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The Purpose Pursuit


The Purpose Pursuit

Our individual time in third world countries has stirred a deep a conviction to come together as a team to initiate a renewal of the perception of social injustices around the world and what we are capable of doing about it.

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Our Goal

Our goal is to connect with nonprofit organizations of all agendas that are making a true impact, and create films with authentic, raw footage and capture moving photographs to share with all who are willing to help; bridging the gap between those who are in desperate need of long-lasting support, and us – people who are able to contribute to a cause greater than ourselves with the resources that are available to us.

Inspire Ignite Send

Together, we want to inspire, ignite and send – rather than choosing to remain ignorant to solvable social issues. 
In order for us to implement these practicalities, we need to generate the funds to do so.

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The funds that are raised and received will funnel directly into our operational costs, consisting of equipment, travel, in-country funds, safety and other means of production. Once the film is produced, revenue brought in will be donated to the featured nonprofit organization.